Come Home

Commune with life’s big questions

Three weekly gatherings dedicated to what unfolds between human hearts.

hosted at Hidden Yoga in Lancaster, PA

Wednesday November 6th, 13th, and 20th at 6pm

Storytelling, sacred teachings, group practice, discussion.

A portion of every registration fee will be donated to mutual aid efforts for people affected by Hurricane Helene and Milton.

Where we’re going

The tantric path embraces our lives- their messiness, complexity, and humanity, as the perfect ground for realization. We seek the sacred process of transformation and inner awakening not by traveling to far off lands, but rather, by embarking upon the journey inward. In our every day lives and experiences there is an opportunity to grow our compassion, find our center, and live on purpose.

Come Home utilizes practices and teachings from Tantra and the Bhakti yoga tradition, and together we will begin to unravel the stories that have told us we are separate from unconditional love. We’ll walk head first right into life’s big questions, and take refuge in our shared humanity as we seek understanding. There are no guarantees for answers and “figuring it all out”, but there will be generosity and enthusiasm in our asking.

How we get there

Our time together will be anchored by a contemplation- a question or a longing that urges us to notice. Topics such as doubt, purpose, existential burnout, grief, the yoga of relationships, devotion, serve as a doorway into our hearts.

I’ll be giving a talk and within it sharing relevant stories, teachings, and passages from sacred text. To integrate the teachings we’ll come together in a guided practice that will vary each week, creating new ways to engage with eachother and the topics. Finally, the floor is opened to group discussion and reflection. This is where the magic happens, to see and be seen, listen and be heard.

The Power of Togetherness

Satsang, or Sangha is the name given to a community of seekers, gathering in the spirit of Truth, Love, and Freedom.

Together we discover that what is deeply personal is also universal, and we are intrinsically connected in our own shared humanity. When we gather we have the chance to see ourselves in others, discover new ways of relating and facing the challenges of life.

There is nothing we do alone, and spiritual seeking is no different.

"My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together."

-Desmond Tutu

You’re Invited

Every season I make space to sit with my calendar and see what classes and offerings fit. I consider the stirrings of my intuition, the bhav of my current students, and the collective moment in time.

As I sat with my notebook, I carved the outline for this re-imagination of Come Home, a program I’ve run before. For the days after the phrase “come home” stuck to me- it was in the words of clients, on gravestones, in pictures of books on Instagram. Now was certainly the time for these gatherings to emerge.

In my daily life I am witnessing so much grief, confusion, and pain in our world. As we have to continue the every day tasks that keep life going, I have been burdened by the solitude of questions roiling inside of me. What do you do in a mad world? Where can I find hope? Am I allowed to be happy amidst great collective suffering? They are questions that emerge from our souls, questions that are at the heart of our own humanity.

Sitting amongst other seekers in satsang is one of my favorite ways to learn and gather. I want to both receive a teaching and practice, and I want the chance to speak to it, and to hear my fellow seekers speak to it. In our sharing, I often find solace, curiosity, and hope.

I hope you’ll join me for these three evenings of wonder.

Big love,
